
Resilient Supply Chains Through Well-Maintained Transportation Systems

The Challenge

Visual Defence is an award-winning Canadian company and an industry leader in the use of smart cameras for automated road inspections using artificial intelligence. For this AI project, Visual Defence has partnered with innovative Canadian municipalities and subject matter experts to develop a broader range of inspections and optimize road maintenance activities, allowing cities to accomplish more with their existing resources. The project will use data collected from the smart camera technology in combination with other data sources to provide further operational insights aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of road maintenance activities.



Scale AI investment


Total investment


“This project will improve the overall supply chain of municipal road maintenance activities by providing operational recommendations, insights and tools powered by the AI algorithms which will be developed. We are excited to partner with ScaleAI and help Canadian cities to not only find the issues better, but address them faster and in a more cost-efficient manner.”

— Roy Tal, CTO, Visual Defence
Made possible through the
financial support of
Gouvernement du Québec
Gouvernement du Canada

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